Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that is scalable, robust, and easy to understand. According to a study, it saves the development cost of the software by up to 35%. It reduces the development time significantly and makes the website smooth and market-ready in half of the time.

It also helps in improving site security, making the site fluid and easy to handle. Many developers nowadays are leaning heavily on Laravel to get the work done in a short period.

Developed by Taylor Otwell in 2011, it continuously improves by incorporating new modules and capabilities.

It makes the web development process a pleasing experience for the developer easing the cumbersome process otherwise associated with it. It makes web development a gratifying and fulfilling process encompassing the creativity of the developer.

Reasons for the popularity of Laravel

Laravel has built-in functionalities for authentication, security, cross-site scripting, web routing, message queuing, and other functions. With these built-in functions, developers can build your websites with just a couple of lines of code, thus drastically reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Laravel modules can be easily integrated with other modules allowing it to communicate effortlessly with other mails and communications systems. This provides flexibility to the customer visiting your website seamless communication experience irrespective of which messaging platforms they are using.

Laravel has become the first choice of developers around the world with its various functionality and affordability. Its advantages are hard to ignore, making it a preferred back-end framework.

How is Laravel beneficial for your projects?

Seamless integration with different messaging platforms and mail services

User authentication, password reminders, and promotional emails are some functions that most sites need to perform. By using Laravel, and its build-in API services, this integration happens seamlessly. It can integrate with SMPT, Mailgun, Amazon’s SES, etc.

This helps your website send mails using local servers or cloud-based servers, and even through various messaging services like Nexmo and Slack.

Testing processes are automated.

Testing the software developed is essential for knowing about the shortcomings of the product created. It helps in knowing about system crashes, bugs, errors, or any other problem that the software may encounter. Testing allows the developer to know if the software is functioning correctly.

Laravel is designed to keep this vital aspect in mind. It has a built-in PHP Unit and a phpunit.xml file for testing purposes. It allows the developer to do testing of the whole site and every individual function. It also helps in replicating user behavior like making requests and seeing the results, filling forms, etc.

Helps in intelligent scheduling of the tasks

A website has to do a lot of work like sending daily messages, putting the new order requests, automatically cleaning up obsolete communication from database tables or email caches, etc. Prior to Laravel, developers used to do this by generating a Cron entry of each of these tasks to be performed. This was a time-consuming and monotonous process.

With the advent of Laravel, such tasks can be scheduled using the command scheduler. With the help of this module, all these tasks can be scheduled within Laravel itself, and only a single Cron entry is generated to the server.

Hassle-free user authentication and authorization

When a customer uses the websites for making purchases or for using the website, they not only want security that their transactions and personal information are 100% safe, they also want speed while using the website. A slow and hard-to-log-in system can lead to loss of customers and a bad reputation for the company.

With the use of Laravel, authentication and authorization systems have become more accessible and more superficial. Its plug-and-play authentication system is not only fast and intuitive but is also easy to use and user-friendly. This is a simple way to retain the customer and helps in better conversion rates.

Helps maintain security and safety of data

If your website deals with the users’ data related to payment or any other personal information, the safety and security of that data are one of your main concerns. Preventing any theft or unwanted access to this data is of paramount importance.

Laravel’s built-in system helps in preventing your web application. It provides security from potential thefts and attacks and saves precious data providing robust security.

It makes error handling easier.

One of the most complicated tasks for the developers can be the errors that the users give as input while filling up a form. Proper error messages should be generated to inform the user in an informative way to rectify their mistakes. A user can conclude that the site is out of service if errors are not handled properly. It can build a negative image of the company.

In a Laravel based project, error and exception handling are already pre-configured. Besides this, it is incorporated with the Monolog logging library, which is built to support many powerful log handlers. This makes handling the errors easier.

Incorporates MVC model leading to easy separation

Laravel’s MVC framework makes the integrations a lot easier, giving the developers a much-needed breathing space. Its line tool Artisan handles almost all the repetitive tasks making things simpler.

It helps separate the front-end and back-end programs, thus separating the codes at the initial level. This helps in faster problem detection and fixes if they happen, thus putting the website back into action in the least amount of time.


Developers all over the world love Laravel and use it for its numerous built-in features. It is a dependable and valuable framework that has made the life of developers more manageable and their works simpler. It is gaining in popularity and is sure to improve its scope in the days to come.