We often come across the term “website traffic” while talking about digital marketing practices. Website traffic means the number of web users who come to the website for a specific purpose. The metric to analyze the website traffic is the number of visits to the website. 

Website traffic is one of the most common ways of measuring the website’s effectiveness in attracting an audience. It is also a parameter of accessing the business’s popularity among its customers.

Traffic is crucial to organizations to get a comprehensive view of their website’s success. It allows tweaking their marketing strategies based on the traffic. There are numerous ways of measuring website traffic, such as:

  • Sessions: It involves studying the number of visits to the websites within a specified time period to analyze the effectiveness of different digital marketing measures.

To know about different types of digital marketing strategies, go through our blog https://shivila.com2021/11/25/7-types-of-digital-marketing/.

  • Purchase numbers: Most business-related websites sell products or services related to their business. The number of people buying the product indicates the website’s effectiveness in convincing the end-users to purchase the product.
  • Tracing the source: It involves finding out the source of the website’s visits, such as email marketing, PPC, or organic search.
  • Bouncing Ratio: It implies the number of visitors who leave the website after going through a single page. The businesses aim to keep it as low as possible.

Types of website traffic

Before delving further into the types of website traffic, it is essential to know the difference between the visits and the visitors. Visits refer to the overall traffic visiting the website during a given period, including a single person visiting multiple times, whereas visitors reflect the unique clicks that the website gets.

Organic Traffic

It refers to those visitors who visit the website after conducting a search-on-search engine like Google or Bing and then click on the links displayed in the search result to enter the website.

Organic traffic account for a significant portion of web traffic. Different SEO techniques are incorporated to enhance the website’s ranking and increase the genuine customers who visit the website.

Though organic traffic is considered free, it includes some initial investments and time to optimize the website. If done correctly repeatedly, it bears fruit which helps in the long run.

Direct Traffic

Direct traffic means the users directly land in your webpage by searching the URL of your website in the search bar or through other means like through emails or by saving the URL of your website as favorites.

To increase the direct traffic to the website, it is necessary to keep the URL of your website simple and easy to remember. Another way is to encourage the users to bookmark your site to visit in the future.

Referral Traffic

This type of traffic refers to people visiting a website by clicking on the links in a blog or forum on another site.

It involves activities like link building, guest blogging, and other such activities. 

Social Networking

The source of this traffic is from social media networks. People visit the website after clicking on social media posts. Having a web page on social media platforms is necessary to bring this traffic to the website.

The source of this traffic are those who visit the website after clicking on Google Ads or other PPC methods.

Different types of platforms include various kinds of ads. With Google Ads, the ads can be shown on the search page or third-party sites, or a campaign can be launched on YouTube.

To get the best results, proper keywords should be selected along with the location targeting.

Email Marketing

It refers to the people visiting the websites after going through the messages in the email. Email marketing campaigns help in tracking the number of visitors who visit the site after viewing their messages.

Email marketing helps analyze the traffic through different parameters like unique clicks, opening rate, clicks on links, etc.

Tips to improve the website traffic

  • Actively engaging with people on social media and providing them with informative content that makes the user visit the website.
  • Improving the SEO to enhance the site rankings so that more organic visits can be ensured.
  • Using email marketing automation so that you can effectively let your customer know about the latest offers, discounts so that people visit the website.

Final words

The number of people visiting the website depends on various factors like the purpose of the website, the visitor’s own choices, and how the website is beneficial for their use. A consistent flow of traffic enhances the website’s rankings, making it feature on top of the search engine results.